
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekend Cooking- Playing With Pinterest

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

This week I decided to work on my Pinterest boards. I reorganized my Food & Recipes boards, making subcategories of Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Soup's On, Desserts etc. It was very rewarding, and then I proceeded to spend nearly three hours surfing Pinterest for more recipes to add to my boards. My goal is to cook at least four Pinterest recipes a week; I'll post my results as they occur.

I began the week by making Carol from There's Always Thyme to Cook 's Chicken Parm Meatballs for my husband and son. Carol always has terrific recipes, and once again she had a winner. My guys loved this one.

I had plenty of leftovers, and I usually make hot meatball sandwiches with them, but I found this recipe for Meatball Casserole on Dishing with Leslie, and they loved this one too. It was similar to hot meatball sandwiches, but the guys liked this better. The only tweak I would make is toasting the bread a little before placing in the casserole dish.

I saw my sister-in-law this week, the one who loves to cook, and we worked a little on her Pinterest boards. I can't wait to see what she comes up with!

Are you on Pinterest? Do you use it frequently? Let me know in comments.


  1. I am on Pinterest but I often forget to check it out. I guess I have just one too many social media homes. :)

    I too thought Carol's meatballs looked awesome. I plan to make them this winter.

    1. They are very moist for ground chicken, really tasty.

  2. I was just thinking... have I seen that photo somewhere before? :) Hope your tweaked version will come out great as well!

    1. It was a nice variation on the typical meatball sub.

  3. I am so glad you all liked them! That meatball casserole looks fantastic. I'll definitely be making it, my guys love meatballs. Thanks!

  4. I am not on pinterest, twitter or Facebook...guess I am in the minority. My daughter-in-law uses pinterest to get recipes. She loves it!

  5. I have not done Pinterest-one only has so much time. Your meatballs look tasty.

    1. You can really lose track of time on Pinterest, I will admit. The photo was Carol's, she has a great blog!

  6. Those both look really good. My husband can't eat red meat and I miss meatballs. I'll have to look at thes.

  7. Oh I saw the recipe for those Chicken parm meatballs in the latest issue of Everyday food magazine--so excited to hear they were such a hit with both you AND Carol (who pinned the recipe the first time)! I'm going to make them for my family this month. They LOVE when I make chicken parm and they LOVE meatballs so this is a win win, right?

    I'm so hungry now... lol!

    1. I like taking foods my family enjoys and finding different ways to get the same flavor profiles. Enjoy!

  8. I haven't taken on Pinterest at all. No time to investigate it, either. Maybe over the winter...

  9. I actually just had some leftovers from a dish I made from Pinterest. Quesadillas with equal parts corn and black beans, taco seasoning, and cheese. I had a little shredded chicken on hand so used that, too. Original recipe called for purple onions and cilantro but knew my husband wouldn't touch them. Delicious!

    Those chicken parm meatballs look wonderful!
