
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weekend Cooking- My First Trip to Momofuku Noodle Bar

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

Every year, a group of my friends come to NYC to go to the San Gennaro Festival in Little Italy, where we eat, drink and laugh, all to excess.

This year, two of my friends and I spent an afternoon wandering around, stopping to visit Eataly, ABC Home store, Union Square Greenmarket, and one of us wanted to go to Momofuku Noodle Bar.

So we found ourselves in the East Village and we stopped into Momofuku Noodle Bar, after initially walking right by the restaurant and ending up at Fuku, David Chang's fried chicken sandwich restaurant which is just two doors away.

A gentleman sitting next to us at a U-shaped bar overheard our conversation deciding what to order, and he wholeheartedly recommended the Momofuku Ramen Bowl, so we all tried that and ordered pork buns to go with it.

He was right- the Ramen Bowl was delicious! And while only one of us braved using chopsticks, we all raved about the Ramen Bowl, which included a piece of crispy pork belly, pork shoulder, and a poached egg, along with the noodles and a perfectly seasoned broth.
Momofuku Ramen Bowl

The pork buns were tasty too, with cucumber, scallions and pork in a tangy hoisin sauce that paired so well with the Ramen Bowl we ordered a second helping.
Momofuku Pork Buns

I love Momofuku Milk Bar's famous Compost Cookie, and now that I've been to Momofuku Noodle Bar, I want to try Fuku and their fried chicken sandwich.

Momofuku's website can be found here.


  1. What a fun time you must have had. The ramen looks awesome and I love really good pork buns!

  2. I was just in NYC today and although I didn't see this Noodle Bar, I passed a noodle bar restaurant on the way to the Holland tunnel that caught my attention. I though it looked so good! I'll keep this one in mind for a future visit.

  3. Yum! I got a chance to try the Momofuku in Toronto a couple of years ago. So good! They had a little bakery with the cookies too. ;-)
