
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hunkering Down

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

So now that we are prepared to hunker down, we have to make sure we have enough supplies on hand. That can be tough in New York City, where you generally go grocery shopping everyday because you can't carry too much walking from the stores.

I made a Costco trip two weeks ago (it feels like two months ago, so much has happened), so we have enough cleaning supplies and personal care items. Early last week I felt like I should stock up on some canned goods (soups, fruits, peanut butter, etc) so we have enough there. I wish I had more room in my freezer, but alas.
Grouper from Ocean Prime

We just found a great Lenten Friday night restaurant, Ocean Prime, near Times Square, where it was mobbed two Fridays ago and completely empty two days ago.  They have an amazing Florida grouper that they serve with some lobster, peas and the best gnocci I have had outside of Italy. I hope they make it through this. It will the last restaurant outing we make for the foreseeable future.

My husband got a frother yesterday so he could make cappuccinos in his Nespresso and he is delighted with that. It will be good to have a special treat.

We also got treats from William Greenberg Desserts because we are trying to support local businesses when they need it most. I tried their homemade cherry PopTart, which was tasty, but needed more a bit more cherry filling. They are on Goldbelly, where you can order from great restaurants all over the United States if you want to help restaurants, and maybe send some treats to people who can't get out of their homes.

I hope you all have enough supplies on hand and special treats. Read books, bake cookies, play card games, work on puzzles, knit, exercise and catch up on all those TV shows and movies you say you wanted to watch. Be safe and healthy, and be kind to each other.


  1. I'm with you - there's not nearly enough room in the freezer. And I don't want a big separate freezer, so everything can melt and go bad in a power outage.

  2. That is a strange-looking pop tart, but the restaurant meal looks great. Too bad you aren’t going out much for the near future, but we are all in the same boat (just bigger than a cruise ship).

    best... mae at

  3. It's truly weird times, but I'm sure we'll be okay. Food hasn't been an issue anywhere (even in China at ground zero), but the fewer trips we make into the world, the better off we -- and everyone else -- is.
