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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Weekend Cooking- A Visit to the Sarasota Farmer's Market

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

Last Saturday, my sister-in-law and I made a trip to the Sarasota Farmers Market. We had heard such great things about it and couldn't wait to go.

It's located in the beautiful historic downtown section of Sarasota, and when we came upon it we couldn't believe how big it was. It takes up over two huge blocks.
The market entrance
Breakfast is big at the market, and I thought this red VW bus reinvented as a coffee truck was so cute.

The Alpine Steakhouse had people lined up for their hearty breakfast items.

My sister-in-law loves crepes, so we stopped to get a strawberry and chocolate one.

The vegetables looked so fresh and appealing, like these red onions and patty pan squash.

The flowers were so pretty too, it was hard to resist them. 

My purchase of the day was vegetable and pineapple kebabs that we had with our dinner that night. They were lovely and delicious. 

We had such a wonderful time at the Farmers Market, it will definitely become a regular stop on travels to Sarasota. If you ever find yourself there on a Saturday, don't miss this treat. They even have musical entertainment! Read more about it at their website here.


  1. Farmers' markets are among my favorite tourist stops, even when they don't have strict rules about selling local food only. Obviously the food you show can come from lots of places -- since pineapple isn't a Florida thing. Very interesting post!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  2. You made me wish my sister-in-law lived nearby, so we could do fun things together. Sigh. But at least we have a good farmer's market.

  3. Farmers markets are my passion. I love how big this one is--so many delicious things to choose from. ;-)

  4. Lucky duck to be within excursion distance of such a lovely BIG Farmers' Market. Those kebabs look delicious!

  5. Lovely but no farmers market for me today - it is pelting with rain! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  6. Oh wow, sounds like a great market. Ours won't open for another 2 or 3 weeks, but I will be shopping there until fall. Ours doesn't have the variety of food trucks, though. I'd find it hard to resist a crepe.

  7. Great photos! I love the farmers market in Sanibel, too, and we visit every Sunday. Hard to believe they are winding down now (it lasts through May), but the markets at home will be starting about the time we get back.

  8. I enjoy a good farmers market. Love that VE bus as a coffee shop, how unique.
    I live north of Sarasota near Tallahassee and we have some nice farmers markets but nothing like this one!

  9. It seems we all love Farmers Markets! I live in the high desert so it will be a long time before ours opens. We have a short growing season.
