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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Weekend Cooking- Sweet Corn Zucchini Pie

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

Although it's back to school and Labor Day the unofficial end to summer has passed, it's still 90 degrees outside here in NYC. I like fall because it means a return to cooking hardy dinners, but that will have to wait until it cools down.

I'm always looking for a way to get more vegetables in our diet, and with the abundance of sweet corn and zucchini this time of year, I found a recipe on Pinterest for Sweet Corn Zucchini Pie that looked appetizing.

The recipe comes from A Pinch of Yum, and I liked this one because it is a crustless pie, which means no extra calories. It also has mushrooms in it and I am a big mushroom fan.

The recipe calls for cutting the corn off two cobs. I found a trick for doing this the easy way. Pull out a big, deep bowl (I use a mixing bowl). Place an overturned small cereal bowl inside the big bowl, place the ear of corn on top of the smaller bowl and slice the corn off the cob. The corn falls into the large bowl, and when you are done, pull the small bowl out of the large bowl and voila, the corn is inside the large bowl and ready to use. I wish I knew where I found this trick so I could give proper credit.

Saute onion, mushroom and zucchini, add the corn and saute some more. Add a mixture of cheese, eggs and herbs and blend with the sauteed vegetables. Put the mixture in a pie pan, bake in the oven and there you have it.
My tasty zucchini pie

My sweet corn zucchini pie turned out fabulous. My sons loved it, and my husband even had it as leftovers the next night. If you are looking for a way to use up some of the end of season vegetables, I recommend this recipe. You can find the full recipe from A Pinch of Yum here.

If you have any end-of-summer recipes you'd like to share, please post it in comments.


  1. This looks delicious! I've had good luck with recipes from A Pinch of Yum, too, so will be trying it this week.

  2. Great corn trick! I'm always chasing the kernels all over the kitchen. And this crustless pie looks like a good transition into the cooler evenings of fall (they're coming, right?).

  3. Yum! I love corn and have plenty of zucchini that needs to be used up. I love the corn trick. I'll definitely have to test that one out.

  4. Looks fantastic, I will have to try a pie before zucchini season ends.

  5. That sounds good! I like the idea of using up surplus veggies and the no-crust incentive.

  6. Escaping corn kernels are definitely a problem! Your pie resembles a frittata -- veggies baked in an egg mixture.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  7. I was planning on a mushroom quiche, but like the crustless idea, as well as your corn trick.

  8. This does look good. I bought some zucchini to bar-b-que this weekend.

  9. Corn and zucchini - fab! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  10. I like cooking with zucchini mainly because I feel all cheffy when I am chopping it upossible!

  11. That certainly looks great - we too are trying to get more veggies in our meal plans. Good suggestion for cutting corn off the cob. I usually put the skinny end in a bundt pan and shear it, the kernels drop into the pan :-)
