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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekend Cooking- Our Annual Summer Party

This post is part of Beth Fish Reads' Weekend Cooking.  If you have anything related to food, cookbook reviews, novel or non-fiction book reviews, recipes, movie reviews, etc., head over to Beth Fish Reads and add your post. Or, if you want to read food related posts, head over to read what some interesting people have to say about food.

For the past few years, we rent a home on Owasco Lake where we lived before moving to NYC. We spend the week with my family and on one night we have a big party inviting our friends. It's always a good time, with lots of laughter, fun and good food and drink.

Our menu consisted of some things I made; our appetizers included
Pepperoni Dip- which I also made for our Super Bowl party and
Mary Alice's Hoagie Dip- a recipe my sister-in-law found on FoodNetwork.com, and which tastes like a Wegmans' Joey Sub.

My friend Barbara made her famous Summer Pizza, which I love so much, with cream cheese and veggies, and her husband brought the most delicious tomatoes and jalapeno peppers from his garden; my sons could not stop raving about them.

For the main course, we ordered Cornell Chicken from Lascas Restaurant and I made a few trays of Rachael Ray's Italian Macaroni and Cheese, which is a perfect dish for a big group. By the end of the week I had made three trays of it and there was not a noodle left. (Sorry Rick!)

We also ordered Cheese Souffle from The Springside Inn, which is an Auburn institution, and everyone loves the dish. I also made a tray of roasted vegetables of mushrooms, green and red peppers, red onions, and zucchini. And no gathering is complete without Jello; I made Pretzel Jello.

There were lots of fabulous desserts, including Paula Deen's Frozen Banana Split, which is another one that is good for a crowd and easy to make. I made it last year for the first time, and it got so many compliments, it made a return appearance this year.
Paula Deen's Frozen Banana Split

Lots of people brought yummy desserts too; a light and lovely Lemon Cake from The Patisserie in Skaneateles from Tony and Kristi (they also brought bread and a tomato dipping sauce that was out-of-this-world from there), homemade Pumpkin Spice Cake with chocolate chips (thanks Di!), and the most gorgeous Red Velvet Cupcakes from The Chocolate Mill in Glens Falls, courtesy of Rick and Kelly. I always ask Maria to bring her amazing Pumpkin Cookies, and I still say she should sell them, they are that good.

My dear friend Trish knows me so well and always brings the perfect hostess gift. This time she gave me Philippa Gregory's new book, The Kingmaker's Daughter, and she got my husband Chad Harbach's incredible novel, The Art of Fielding, and even better, she bought them from Downtown Books & Coffee, a local independent bookstore. Yay Trish!

It was such a great party and so good to see all our friends; I only wish it could have lasted longer!


  1. Love the recap and loved our time at the lake with you. Thanks Di!

  2. Love the recap and loved our time at the lake with you. Nothing beats good food with good friends in a beautiful setting. Thanks Di!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh what a great tradition! Sounds like a whole lot of yummy food was available for all kinds of eaters. And nothing is better than veggies fresh from the garden!

    1. It is so much fun when everyone shares their favorite recipe, or should I say when they bring my favorite dish of theirs to the party.

  5. Yummy! Plus any recipe by Paula Deen is guaranteed naughty goodness. Cool tradition.

    1. A Paula Deen recipe is naughty goodness. It's funny to see everyone revert to a child when a Banana Split is offered.

  6. My mouth watered with mention of every dish. What a grand feast! Best of all -- sharing it with good friends. I'm curious about the Italian Mac and Cheese -- must give it a try. The Frozen Banana Split looks like the perfect summer dessert. Mmmmmm. :9

    1. The Mac and Cheese is the perfect dish for a bog crowd; every time I have made it, it is gone in minutes.

  7. That sounds like a FUN party! I can't stop wondering what pretzel jello is...so my stop it to check that out!

  8. oooh, I'm on the lookout for both those books. Have a great week.

    1. I can't wait to dig into the Philippa Gregory. You have a good week too!

  9. Okay...had to come back to say - I'M TOTALLY MAKING THAT! I couldn't wrap my head around what it was until I saw it, and now I MUST try pretzel jello =)

    1. There is something about the Pretzel Jello that people go gaga over; maybe it's the combination of sweet and salty.

  10. I always enjoy seeing my friends. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Sounds like such a good time with your friends! And so much tasty food!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  12. This sounds like a wonderful mix of great food and good friends. How wonderful that you are able to do this every year.

  13. This sounds like the perfect way to spend a summer day. I have always wanted a large family just for events like this.

  14. Sounds like lots of fun and the perfect way to spend a summer vacation.

  15. Wow, what a nice way to spend some time, relaxing with friends, good scenery and great food. I will check out that phillipa Gregory book. I have read one of hers before and liked it quite a bit.
