The Friday Five this week takes place in Naples, Florida where my husband spoke at a conference. The five things that caught my attention this week are mostly visual and they are:
1) This photo is from our beach on Longboat Key. I was taking my four mile walk down the beach and passed this beautiful bird regally standing guard on the beach. Is it an egret or a heron?
2) We made our way to the Ritz Carlton in Naples where the conference was held. In the lobby of the gorgeous hotel they had a Moet champagne vending machine, perfect for those 3am cravings for champagne.
3) The beach at the hotel is so fabulous, and I spent three glorious days reading at the beach, listening to the waves. I was so engrossed in my book when I suddenly looked up and saw a crowd gathered around my beach chair. I looked down and there was a baby turtle right next to my chair. It drew quite a crowd, with people following it all down the beach with their cell phone cameras, kind of like a Kardashian.
4) The conference has a wonderful spouses' program, with field trips and activities and breakfast every morning. At breakfast the coordinator has a book table where you can grab a book (or two or three) to enjoy. You know I love that! Jackie Carlino, the coordinator, even had one of my favorite books, The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace. It's the number one book I recommend to everyone. Seriously, read it people.
5) A theme dinner is held on the last evening of the conference. This year it was Gala Under the Gulf, and they had an acrobatic mermaid as entertainment. Everyone wanted a photo with the mermaid.
It was a relaxing week under the sun this week, but next week it's back to reality.

Wow, what a week! I've never seen a champagne vending machine or an acrobatic mermaid, but it is nesting season, so there have been lots of turtles around lately. And that's a heron in the top photo. Don't think I've mentioned it before... your new Friday post format is great!